
GEER funds awarded

Carteret CC awarded $130,822 to fund workforce training scholarships

HVAC technicianMorehead City, N.C. (October 6, 2020) – Carteret Community College (Carteret CC) was recently awarded $130,822 from the Governor’s Emergency Education Relief (GEER) Fund. These funds, awarded by the U.S. Department of Education, are to be utilized by Sept. 30, 2022, and will go toward scholarships for eligible students.

The GEER Fund is part of the GEER Scholarship Program to provide local educational agencies, institutions of higher education and other education-related entities with emergency assistance for issues resulting from COVID-19.

“This is an incredible opportunity for those in our community to obtain job training that will help them excel in a rewarding career locally,” said Perry Harker, Vice President of Corporate and Community Education at Carteret CC. “These funds will cover the cost of the training and related cost of the course.”

This program provides scholarships for eligible community college students who are in the workforce continuing education and pursuing high demand workforce training programs within 10 pathways that lead to a state or industry-recognized credential.

The pathways include Automotive, Aircraft Maintenance, Construction, Criminal Justice, Emergency Medical Services, Fire and Rescue Services, Healthcare, Industrial/Manufacturing, Information Technology and Transportation. In addition to the broad career pathways, other programs included under the funding is Commercial Driver License, Welding, Carpentry, Electrical, HVAC, Plumbing, Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Basic, EMS Paramedic, Nurse Aide 1 and Nurse Aide 2, Phlebotomy, Pharmacy Technician, Sterile Processing, Fire Academy, Marine Trades and Boat Building Academy.

Scholarships are awarded based on student needs, the local industry needs, the number of eligible students, and the cost of the course, up to a maximum of either $750 per course or the cost of course fees if it exceeds $750. Scholarships help cover the cost of tuition, fees, books, supplies, credentialing tests, transportation, childcare, and other components as deemed necessary.

“The scholarship opportunities this funding provides will help our students obtain the skills they need to build a better future for themselves, their families, and our local and state’s workforce,” said Harker.

For questions or more information, contact the college’s Corporate and Community Education department at 252-222-6200.

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