Career & Technical Education

Join the workforce prepared after high school.

The Career & Technical Education (CTE) Pathway offers high school students the opportunity to earn college credits (tuition-free!) at Carteret CC toward a certificate or diploma in a technical career.
CTE is a great option for students who know the industry they want to pursue after high school and want to work toward the completion of a certificate, diploma, or state or industry-recognized workforce credential.
All coursework completed in a CTE Pathway counts towards an Associate in Applied Science degree at Carteret Community College.

CTE Pathway Eligibility

High school students interested in the Career & Technical Education (CTE) CCP Pathway must meet the eligibility requirements outlined below.


  1. Have the recommendation of the high school principal or his/her designee and have the recommendation of the college’s Chief Academic Officer or Chief Student Development Administrator; and
  2. Pass Math I with a grade of C or better; and
  3. Score a 3, 4, or 5 on the End of Course assessment (EOC) for Math I; and
  4. Score a 3, 4, or 5 on the 8th grade End of Grade ELA assessment.



  1. Have the recommendation of the high school principal or his/her designee and recommendation of the college’s Chief Academic Officer or Chief Student Development Administrator; and
  2. Demonstrate college readiness in English, reading, and mathematics on an assessment (See Attachment A in the Career & College Promise Manual)

1.Have an unweighted cumulative GPA of 2.8 on high school courses


2. Demonstrate college readiness in English, reading and mathematics on an approved assessment (see Attachment A in the Career & College Promise Manual).


3. Have the recommendation of the high school principal or their designee and their rationale for recommendation in place of GPA requirement (assessment scores should be considered) and have the recommendation of the college’s Chief Academic Officer or Chief Student Development Administrator.

Meet CCP Students

Additional CTE Information

  • Freshman and sophomores can only enroll in Engineering, Industrial, Agriculture and Natural Resources, Transportation Systems, Construction, and Business Technologies programs.
  • Freshman and sophomores may not enroll in any CTE programs that contain UGETC (Universal General Education Transfer Courses)
  • Students interested in Health Science CTE pathways must meet the eligibility requirements of those selective admissions programs (2.8 GPA or college readiness on RISE placement test). Health Science CTE pathways are not open to 9th and 10th graders.
  • Some Health Science programs have age restrictions. See Health Sciences Age Requirements under “Additional CCP Resources”.
  • Students interested in the Crystal Coast Fire Academy must turn 17 within the semester they start.

The North Carolina High School to Community College Articulation Agreement is an agreement between the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction and the North Carolina Community College System, which provides a seamless process that joins secondary and postsecondary Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs of study.

This statewide articulation agreement is comprised of approximately 50 high school CTE courses that match the knowledge and skills taught in similar community college courses. The articulation agreement ensures that if a student is proficient in their high school course, the student can receive college credit for that course at any North Carolina community college. This agreement streamlines the student’s educational pathway by eliminating the need to take multiple courses with the same learning outcomes.

To receive articulated credit, students must enroll at the community college within two years of their high school graduation date and meet the following criteria:

  • A final grade of B or higher in the course
  • A score of 93 or higher on the standardized CTE post-assessment

The North Carolina High School to Community College Articulation Agreement and articulated courses can be found in the College Catalog & Student Handbook.

Students who earn specific industry certifications while in high school may obtain college credit for similar coursework. A list of recognized certifications can be found in the College Catalog & Student Handbook.