Baking & Pastry Arts

Bake the world a better place.

This curriculum is designed to provide students with the skills and knowledge required for employment in the baking/pastry industry, including restaurants, hotels, independent bakeries/pastry shops, wholesale/retail markets, high-volume bakeries, and/or further academic studies. Students will be provided theoretical knowledge/practical applications that provide critical competencies to meet industry demands, including environmental stewardship, operational efficiencies, and professionalism. Course work includes specialty/artisanal bread, desserts/pastries, decorative work, high-volume production, and food marketing. Graduates should qualify for entry-level positions, such as pastry/bakery assistant, area pastry chef, and assistant pastry chef. American Culinary Federation certification may be available to graduates.

Degrees & Pathways

Learn more about pathway options, completion plans, credit hours, and more!