Email Activation
& Login Assistance

NOTE: Your Carteret CC student email account will be created/enabled 24 hours AFTER your student ID is created.

After you have been admitted to Carteret CC, you’ll receive an acceptance letter (and email) mailed to the address included on your application with your new student username, student email, and instructions on how to reset your password.

First-time Student Email Activation

Activation Instructions

If you haven’t already done so, you will need to reset the password to your student email to gain first-time access. You will need your student username.

  1. Visit the Password Reset Portal
  2. Select “Reset Password
  3. Enter your Username where indicated
    Note: Usernames are a combination of the student’s first name, middle initial, and the last four digits of their student ID.
    Student- John Frank Doe     Student ID- 1001234
    Username = JohnF1234
  4. Click Next
  5. Answer the security questions including Date of Birth (2 digit month, 2 digit day, 4 digit year)
  6. Click Next
  7. Create an account password. It must contain at least 14 characters including 1 letter and 1 numeral.
  8. Repeat your new password in the Confirm window.
  9. Keep the “unlock my account” box checked
  10. Click Next. You now may log in to your student email account after the 24 hour activation period.

Returning Users

Forgot your password?

Don’t have your Student ID? Contact the student Help Desk.